Fallen Monuments

Fallen Monuments

Site – fallenmonuments.com

Facebook – facebook.com/FallenMonumentsBand

Bandcamp – fallenmonuments.bandcamp.com

Band Info – 90’s influenced punk rock with an emphasis on melody


  1. Theology – subject to sin or depravity. “fallen human nature”
    synonyms:  immoral, loose, promiscuous, unchaste, sinful, impure, sullied, tainted, dishonored, ruined
  1. (of a soldier) killed in battle. “fallen heroes”
    synonyms:  dead, perished, killed, slain, slaughtered, murdered


  1. a statue, building, or other structure erected to commemorate a famous event or notable person.
    synonyms:  memorial, statue, pillar, column, obelisk, cross
  1. “a stone monument” a statue or other structure placed by or over a grave in memory of the dead.
    synonyms:  gravestone, headstone, tombstone, grave marker, plaque

Fallen Monuments on San Diego Punk –